Tennessee Silencer
Making Tennessee a quieter place.

Call Us 865-603-4214
E-mail Us: sales@tennesseesilencer.com

Your first silencer
Ok, so you read the FAQ page and you're pretty sure you want a silencer. You might even know which one you want, but you heard from you're wife's cousin's friend Jimbob that buying a silencer was complicated. At Tennessee Silencer we try to make it as simple as possible, but you DO have several options to know about.
Buying your First Silencer / Suppressor In Tennessee
Many people are intimidated by the silencer registration process, but Tennessee Silencer will help make the process easy! Here is a guide to explain the steps to buying your silencer. The short answer is that if you come to the store we will do the whole process for you in one stop. If you want to know more... read on.
Step 1: Decide How You Want Your Silencer Registered
Currently, all silencers must be registered. You have three options.
Register the Silencer in Your Own Name
Individuals are required to submit a fingerprint card or Electronic Fingerprint Transmission (.eft file) and a passport-sized photo.
You can possess the silencer. Others may shoot the silencer as long as you are present.
Less paperwork up front. At your death inheritors can take the silencer tax stamp free but will have to do fingerprints and photos and send a form 5.
Register the Silencer to a Gun Trust
Anyone listed in the trust as a responsible person may possess the silencer.
If the original purchaser dies, the silencer can be retained by the trust for the use of the people in the trust (no additional ATF paperwork)
Gun trusts can be changed at anytime without notifying the ATF.
Gun trusts are required to submit fingerprint cards and passport-sized photos for all responsible parties.
Once you create a gun trust, all future NFA items can be registered under this trust.
Tennessee Silencer now offers a $100 trust with purchase of a silencer!
$200 dollar value!
Register the Silencer to a Corporation
All the same benefits of the of the trust BUT the Corporation must remain in good standing to retain the silencer. (IE yearly filing and any taxes)
Step 2: Get Your Fingerprints and Photo Done
All silencer applications must submit two FD258 fingerprint cards or an .eft file and a passport-sized photo. Fingerprint cards and photos are good for 2 years worth of purchases. Tennessee Silencer can do your fingerprint cards and photos IN-STORE electronically and we can save them for your next purchase. You can also get your fingerprints and photos done by a 3rd party.
Step 3: Sign an ATF Form 4
Tennessee Silencer will fill out an ATF eForm 4 for you. Once the form is filled out we can certify the form either by having you in person at the store or remotely via video call once we have you in our system.
Step 4: Receive Your Silencer!
Once we receive your approved Form 4 from the government, we will contact you
immediately. Tennessee residents can either pick the silencer up at our store or have the silencer delivered to their door. Out-of-State residents must pick up their silencers at a local FFL.
That’s it! Happy Shooting!
Still got questions? Contact us